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Pricing Tiers

unleashing our clients’ potential by maximising the innovation.


View, create, edit, and delete item records.

Save queries to easily slice-and-dice data for reporting.

Manage statuses which represent business flow.

Manage hierarchy of locations which represent where items are physically located.

Define relationships between item records and navigate data through traceability.

Use item filters to create high-level reports.

Export all or filtered data to CSV file on demand.

Create user accounts and assign groups for fine-grained system permissions. Roles are managed by Avancir team.

Requires users to enter a secondary code from email or mobile device in order to access Avancir.

Configurable, wizard-like user workflows for desktop and mobile.

Item Association
Associate your item to an RFID tag or barcode.

Locate Item
Geiger-like functionality to help guide you to item of interest.

Update Item
Select one or multiple items to update location, status, quantity, etc.

Inventory Items
Update your items based on their physical location.

Automate your item workflows with fixed RFID infrastructure.

Avancir will configure your Avancir instance to automatically update your items’ Status and Location.


includes all Basic features, plus:

Basic Avancir API Usage
Your team develops, hosts, and maintains any code/logic used to communicate with the Avancir API for system integration.

Custom Business Logic
Configuration of business logic to support client workflows and use cases.

Email Notifications
Send email alerts to designated recipients.

Custom Reports: Up to 1
The Avancir team develops custom report templates in PDF, Word, or Excel format and defines logic to automatically merge a template with your data.

The Avancir team works with you to define and create screen-by-screen workflows to guide users through data collection activities.

Define different types of item data or simply group data together around user permissions.

Allow your users to log into Avancir using your existing identity provider (e.g., Okta, Auth0, Ping, etc). Sometimes referred to as Single Sign-On or SSO. Avancir supports SAML and OpenID Connect providers.

$50/device/month beyond 5 devices.


includes all Basic & Pro features, plus:

Avancir-Hosted Integration
Applicable if the Avancir team develops and maintains any code/logic used to send data to your system’s API and/or receive and process data from your system.

Avancir-Hosted Data Stream
Avancir provides a custom message queue for IoT events like RFID tag reads from fixed readers.

Custom Reports: Up to 5 Reports
The Avancir team develops custom report templates in PDF, Word, or Excel format and defines logic to automatically merge a template with your data.

SMS Notifications
Send text message alerts to mobile devices.

Define different types of item data or simply group data together around user permissions.

$50/device/month beyond 15 devices.

Basic Support: Across all Tiers Premium Support: Optional

First 30 days of dedicated support to ensure you get off to a smooth start. Thereafter, users submit support requests via Avancir’s support ticketing system.

Access to the Avancir team via email or scheduled calls for project planning and support. Users will receive expedited support.